donderdag 19 april 2012

Titel and Abstract of Thesis

A School of Conscience and Redemption
Fountain Avenue landfill cultivates an ecological youth

In case of flooding due to hurricanes, a large area in East New York has to be evacuated, only Fountain Avenue landfill is spared, rising 160feet above sea level. This is where a school of horticulture will give shelter to the refugees and will act as a community center. At the same time the new school facility will teach the students basic techniques of agriculture, biotechnology and converting landfill gas to energy. The goal is to make the students more aware of the environment at a young age, improve local access to healthy food and build and share knowledge. Promoting seasonal fruits and vegetables will reduce transport traffic, greenhouse gases and time. In East New York, 30% of the people is obese which overlaps almost exactly with the existing food desert in Brooklyn. Low income neighborhoods appear to have the highest need for fresh food supermarkets. Hence the importance for students to learn how to grow vegetables themselves in order to obtain a more healthy lifestyle which they can promote in their own families.

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